
学徒制 & 实习


学徒制 consist of on the job training under supervision of a company mentor and classroom learning model spread over a period of one or more years. 学徒 earn a progressive salary while learning skill trade and degree necessary to succeed 高需求的职业. 学徒hip programs are for ambitious people of all ages who want to earn a salary while they learn, gaining real 技能 and knowledge. 这些 programs offer employers the opportunity to strengthen and build their workforce providing 量身定制的高素质人才管道.

There are many benefits to participating in the 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态 学徒hip Program. 学生 participating in an apprenticeship program have access to classroom and lab experiences with qualified faculty plus on-the-job training with a dedicated mentor 在他们工作的公司里. This on-the-job type training program enables students to earn a salary while they learn a career and eliminating educational debt.

  • 技能和培训
    • 学徒制 are structured training programs which give you a chance to work towards 一个资格.
    • They help you gain the specific 技能 and knowledge you need to succeed in your chosen 行业.
    • 雇主 cover the training costs of the 学徒hip program. 这包括学费, 费用 & 书,以及支付薪水.
  • 就业及晋升
    • You will develop the necessary foundational skill set and bring their expertise to 在公司工作.
    • The on-the-job training programs are designed for high-demand positions and guarantee 学徒在这个项目中找到了一份工作.
  • 一致的时间表
    • The apprenticeship program is created in blocks of time specific for each program 促进最佳学习.
    • Scheduling is done in such a way as to avoid any potential conflicts between time 在课堂上和工作上.

  • 至少18岁
  • 有资格在美国工作
  • 2.保持5 gpa并达到要求
  • 有效驾驶执照
  • 注册学生或研究生



实习 are typically one-time work or service experiences related to the student’s 专业或职业目标. The internship plan generally involves students working in professional settings under the supervision and monitoring of practicing professionals. 实习 can be paid or unpaid, and the student may or may not receive academic credit for performing the internship but will gain valuable work experience.

There are many benefits to participating in the 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态 Internship Program. 学生 participating in an internship gain valuable work experience while developing network connections and exploring a possible career path. 学生也发展和 refine 技能 while building the confidence to help them transition from college life 给劳动力. 

  • 技能和培训
    • Organization provides opportunities and experiences for the intern that are not directly related to tasks or projects associated with the position, which aid the student’s 职业兴趣.
    • Situations are created and designed which allow the intern to review and reflect on 他们的经验.
    • Student is offered an evaluation at mid and end points of the internship.
  • 获得证书
    • College credentials will be determined by the collaborating faculty member.
    • 赚钱
      • 可能是 paid or unpaid; if unpaid, employers are directed to follow guidelines for unpaid internships as outlined by state, regional, or national guidelines.
    • 一致的时间表
      • Typically, an academic term or summer, though the end date may be extended. 可能是 兼职或全职根据学期而定.

  • 16 - 18岁
  • 有资格在美国工作
  • 2.保持5 gpa并达到要求
  • 有效驾驶执照
  • 注册学生或研究生

Job shadowing can be a useful way to learn about a job of interest without the commitment 实习所要求的. Shadowing involves spending time following a professional in the job field you are interested in and observing the everyday work life for a 商定的时间长度. 工作见习可以让你对工作有个大致的了解 工作就像. This can be a great way to learn whether a job of interest is 适合你.



Cooperative education programs, or co-ops, are a three-way partnership between a student, 一个雇主和一所大学. It allows students to integrate work experience into their 学分学术研究. 典型的课程计划是让学生轮流上课 terms of full-time classroom study with terms of full-time, discipline-related employment. Since the program participation involves multiple work terms, the typical participant will work three or four work terms, thus gaining a year or more of career-related 毕业前工作经历. 几乎所有的合作岗位都是带薪的 显然大多数都涉及某种形式的学分.

There are many benefits to participating in the 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态 Co-Op Program. 学生 participating in a co-op spend every other semester immersing themselves in a degree 相关的职业. Co-ops allow students to gain actual experience in an environment different from 教室里 while enhancing their critical thinking and problem-solving 技能. Completion of a Co-op also gives students a competitive edge for full-time 毕业后就业.

  • 试驾职业生涯 
    • Allows you to gain actual experience in the career in an environment different from 教室里.
  • 技能 & 培训
    • Enhances your critical thinking and problem-solving 技能.
    • Promotes maturity and the development of interpersonal 技能.
    • Provides an opportunity for the student to work with state-of-the-art equipment and 使用最新的程序.
  • 赚钱
    • Enables you to pay a portion of his/her college expenses.
  • 就业 & 进步
    • 给s you a competitive edge for full-time 毕业后就业.

  • 至少18岁
  • 有资格在美国工作
  • 满足先决条件*
  • 有效驾驶执照
  • 注册学生或研究生

*维护2.5 GPA, additionally complete 12 credit hours at 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态, complete 要求在合作指导方针中列出的课程.







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