
AWARD OFFERED Associate in Science Degree

Admission Requirements and Curriculum




The 音乐教育 program is designed for students who wish to prepare for a career in music with options in 音乐教育 (elementary or secondary), Professional.

Performance, Music 行业, Jazz Education, Church Music and Music Therapy. 这 program also prepares students interested in teaching music for transfer to a university, where they may earn a bachelor’s degree and state certification to teach music in public elementary and secondary schools, or continue on to an advanced degree and teach on the college or university level. Graduates may also choose to teach in private schools and recreation associations or instruct individual students in private sessions.

Whether playing musical instruments, singing, composing or arranging music, or conducting, persons considering careers in music should have musical talent, versatility, creativity, and-- for those performing in front of an audience--poise and good stage presence. Because quality performance requires constant study and practice, self-discipline 是至关重要的. Performers must achieve a level of performing excellence and be counted on to be on their game whenever they perform. Musicians who play in concerts or in nightclubs and those who tour must have physical stamina to endure frequent travel and an irregular performance schedule.

Music-related workers are employed in a variety of settings. 他们可以独自表演 or as part of a group entertaining live audiences in nightclubs, concert halls, and theaters featuring opera, musical theater, or dance. Many of these entertainers play for live audiences; others perform exclusively for recording or production studios. Still others are employed in music education as instructors, band and choir directors.

Advancement for musicians usually means becoming better known. 成功的音乐家 often rely on agents or managers to find them performing engagements, negotiate contracts, and develop their careers.

Nearly two-thirds are employed by religious organizations and almost one-fourth by performing arts companies. The Armed Forces also offer careers in their bands and smaller musical groups. Hourly earnings for musicians and singers vary dramatically 有了工作. Among music directors and composers, the highest 10 percent earned more 超过75380美元. (来源:U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics)




3     115亩 Fundamentals of Music (Students not passing Theory Proficiency)
1     MUL 101 Class Piano I (Students not passing Theory Proficiency)

1     ORI 110 Freshman Seminar
3     ENG 101 英语 Composition I
3     MTH 112 Precalculus Algebra
3     PSY 200 General Psychology
3     MUS 111 Music Theory I
1     MUS 113 Music Theory I Lab
1     MUP 101-284 Applied Lesson on Major Instrument
1     MUL 101-297 Performing Ensemble

3     ENG 102 英语 Composition II 
3     SOC 200 Intro to Sociology
3     101亩 Music Appreciation
3     MUS 112 Music Theory II
1     MUS 114 Music Theory II Lab
1     MUL 102 Class Piano II
1     MUP 101-284 Applied Lesson on Major Instrument
1     MUL 101-297 Performing Ensemble

3     ENG 251 American Literature I (may substitute ENG 261 – 英语 Lit. I)
3     HIS 101 Western Civilization I (may substitute HIS 201 – U.S. 历史我)
3     HUM 101 Introduction to Humanities I
4     BIO 103 Principles of Biology I
3     MUS 211 Music Theory III
1     MUS 213 Music Theory III Lab
1     MUP 101-284 Applied Lesson on Major Instrument
1     MUL 101-297 Performing Ensemble

3     HIS 102 Western Civilization II (may substitute HIS 202 U.S. (二)历史
3     HUM 102 Introduction to Humanities II
4     BIO 104 Principles of Biology II
3     MUS 212 Music Theory IV
1     MUS 214 Music Theory IV Lab
1     MUP 101-284 Applied Lesson on Major Instrument
1     MUL 101-297 Performing Ensemble

71 Total (with 115亩 & MUL 101) 

67 Total (without 115亩 & MUL 101) 

*Must complete sequence HIS 101/102, or HIS 201/202 

Ricky Burks, Department Chair